Short Story Collection

short stories collection - a compilation of my short stories.


The short stories that I have written will now include a link to a pdf containing all the short stories on this website and a couple others. The link will stay the same, I'll just update the file from time-to-time.

The short stories that I have written will now include a link to a pdf containing all the short stories on this website and a couple others. The link will stay the same, I'll just update the file from time-to-time.

short stories collection pdf

bahanonu [at]

other entires to explore:

11 november 2009 | short story

“Haha, my brother, how have you been?” “Great. Times are good, money is flowing, bitches crawl all over me—wh[...]at more could a man desire?”
I sat in the corner through blurred vision, watching them hug and chat. Grrrrrrr. There were many things I hated about this house, least of which was the rats. I went to work every day, but that can wait. I got up and was immediately dragged back down. The chains, how could I forget?

Inspired by a series of articles on sexual slavery in Eastern Europe, this is a surreal, sad tale of a girl and her abusers. This took my experimentation with more suspenseful, fear-driven stories to another level. Unfortunately, not all stories have a fairy-tale ending...

book review: the old man's war
13 february 2015 | books

A brilliant science fiction novel that raises many questions and sets up an intriguing universe.[...]

¿qué es la calle?
24 may 2013 | short story | spanish

Había terminado y salé para mi cocina. Tenía hambre pero este día no había comida dentro de mi despensa. Me fui y caminé hacienda[...] la Tport—una máquina que puede transportar una persona a otro lugar sin energía y tiempo. Cuando entré la máquina, toqué algunos botónes y esperé. Pero nada ocurrió y lo hice las mismas acciones otra vez—y nada ocurrió.

How would the disappearance of streets affect the social fabric? This short story briefly (in castellano!) explores a world in which instantaneous, free transport is possible. Meant mainly to practice my spanish, i plan to follow-up with a more detail story in the future.

comment system!
05 august 2012 | website

Wanted to add the ability for people to comment on this website, but delayed adding the feature until I could write the code myself. There [...]are many pre-built PHP solutions on the market (like commentator), but the original purpose of this site was to allow me to learn how to build a website from scratch. So I've implemented the comment system using about a hundred lines of code to access the MySQL database, verify inputs and display all the comments for a particular article.

©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 17 April 2024
biafra ahanonu