BRAIN initiative notes


This is a continually updated collection of news, ideas/findings, and other tidbits related to the BRAIN initiative, promising biotechnologies, and neuroscience/biology in general. This is a really exciting time in neuroscience and I hope to capture a bit of that here.

The notes are found at the link below. Enjoy!

brain initiative notes

Or stay up-to-date via the brain initiative notes rss feed.

Updated on 01 April 2024.

bahanonu [at]

other entires to explore:

National Park animals #1: Pinnacles, Kings Canyon, Sequoia
27 June 2022 | designs

America s national parks are a treasure that everyone who lives in, or visits, the United States should have a chance to enjoy. We recently[...] visited three national parks: Pinnacles, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia. Each has beautiful landscapes and flora; however, another attraction is the diversity of animals, from squirrels to bees to several bears (including a mother and cub!).If you look closely in the top-right photo, you can see a snake hiding under the rock (the squirrel gave a series of warning calls while approaching the snake before/during the photo).Captured on my Olympus E-M10 Mark III (various settings, lenses).

the origin and evolution of life
01 january 2020 | origin and evolution of life

I am starting a new blog focused on the Origin and Evolution of Life. Here is the first post.[...]

30 November 2011 | designs

The number 42 is odd. Originally I obsessed over it due to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. But as I used it more often, it took on a [...]life of its own. The bold text and color I think do the number justice.

©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 17 April 2024
biafra ahanonu