DSLR Chronicles #1: Getting ready for Mars


San Francisco looks good in red. Select pictures from a Martian-themed bike ride around SF.

The ongoing wildfires in California combined with San Francisco's foggy conditions lead to quite an interesting bike ride with everything tinted a redish orange, like something out of Blade Runner 2049 or our future SpaceEmpire. The air quality was quite good throughout the sections of SF I visited (similar to what has been reported, see also AirNow) and there were many people out exercising or otherwise enjoying (?) the day. Of note: many surfaces in the early morning were coated in a very fine layer of dust/ash.

Below are select pictures from that bike ride using an Olympus E-M10 Mark III and various lenses. I adjusted the white balance, exposure, ISO, etc. to try and match what my eye saw in terms of the color, brightness, etc. for many of the photos. Enjoy the pictures and remember, this is not an apocalypse-like scenario but a preview of a normal day on some planets once we are out conquering the stars 😈🚀👨‍🚀.

bahanonu [at] alum.mit.edu

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biafra ahanonu