55 Fiction

short stories collection - a compilation of my short stories.


Collection of three short pieces of fiction that contain only fifty-five words. They are all play on words.

Below are a series of 55 fiction stories I wrote during 10th grade.

No Place for Confusion
The lawyer got up out of his chair and walked up to the witness.
“So, did you see Mr. Snickers?”
“Yes, I saw Mister Snickers.”
“For clarification you did see Ernie Snickers?”
“No, I saw Mister Snickers.”
“Sir, Mr. Snickers is Ernie Snickers.”
“No, dear sir, Mister Snickers is Mister Snickers.”
“I rest my case.”

The Long Journey Forgotten
“We have Them now,” the major said smiling.
“Who is them?” his lieutenant asked.
“Them, you said we have them, who?”
“Them, you nincompoop, we have been chasing Them for years.”
“But who!? For God’s sake tell me who!”
“If you don’t know Them, then please leave.”
The lieutenant shook his head and left.

The Desert and the Tundra
As the man walked by the girl he turned around and stared.
“That’s hot.”
“What did you say!?” the girl said overhearing him and turning around.
“Sorry, you cool?”
“What? It’s like 100 degrees!”
“So then, you’re hot.”
“Why, you-,” The girl lifted her hand and slapped him then walked off.
“What did I do?”

bahanonu [at] alum.mit.edu

other entires to explore:

putting the customer first
09 june 2012 | short story

“So, Mr. Paterson, I have heard great things about your business. The earnings reports you gave me look stellar. But there arenâ[...]€™t any real details about what your business does. I couldn’t find specific information on your considerable series A funding. As a series B investor, I would like to know a little more before investing.”

We listen in on a business meeting between the founder of a company and a potential investor. What is the business? Well, that fact may surprise you.

global history of architecture
08 june 2013 | architecture

One of my favorite classes at MIT was 4.605 (Global History of Architecture), which explored various styles and themes found throughout dif[...]ferent buildings and other types of architecture from the beginning of civilization to the present. In the spirit of sharing my enthusiasm for the course i'll discuss some takeaways from, and have included a couple papers i wrote for, the class.

citizenship, war and social networks
09 september 2012 | essay

Scott Adams recently wrote about citizenship and how the Internet [...]will bring the fall of territory-based national governments, and by extension wars. In this post I briefly highlight where he errs and give reasons why country divides will only grow sharper in the coming decades, in part due to competition for dwindling water, oil and other resources along with increasingly fraught intranational civil relations.

janelia opening symposium
24 june 2011 | science

At the beginning of the Janelia Undergrad program we had to give a presentation on what we planned to do. It was a worthwhile experiences t[...]hat made one really focus on the different aspects of your project and get feedback.

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biafra ahanonu