

The new-tab page on most browsers inefficiently uses screen real estate by giving each website a picture and large button. While useful for tablets, it prevents addition of many websites and can't be organized into groups without increasing the number of clicks required. Also, often only one search site is accessible, with the rest found in a drop-down menu. To alleviate this, I created quicklinks. It uses javascript to create a row of categories (that you choose), which when hovered over show associated links. Further, there are several search bars readily avaliable, no extra clicking needed. Enjoy.

The new-tab page on most browsers inefficiently uses screen real estate by giving each website a picture and large button. While useful for tablets, it prevents addition of many websites and can't be organized into groups without increasing the number of clicks required. Also, often only one search site is accessible, with the rest found in a drop-down menu. To alleviate this, I created quicklinks. It uses javascript to create a row of categories (that you choose), which when hovered over show associated links. Further, there are several search bars readily avaliable, no extra clicking needed. Enjoy.

You will need to edit the file QuickLinks.html by adding your own categories, websites and search engines. Examples are provided.

Download: Quick Links

bahanonu [at] alum.mit.edu

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©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 17 April 2024
biafra ahanonu