Spatiotemporal domain of neuroscience methods


An updated spatiotemporal domain of neuroscience methods graphic, inspired by from Sejnowski, 2014. More changes will be added in time.

One of the goals of the BRAIN Initiative is to expand our ability to record and manipulate cells across a large range of spatiotemporal domains. To give scientists and the public a better sense of this during talks and in general, it would be nice to have clear graphics that layout the major techniques and the scales at which they operate with reference to both precise and layman understandable units. The underlying files used to make these graphics should also be public, to allow others to improve and adapt them.

I converted the spatiotemporal domain of neuroscience methods graphic from Sejnowski, 2014 into a vectorized format that can be used by researchers, journalist, and others. Some slight updates have been made to take into account advances in certain methods (e.g. I'm biased toward calcium imaging 😎). More changes will be added in time.

Below are copies of the Adobe Illustrator vector graphic file and PNG versions of the light and dark themes (at 600 dpi).

Any suggestions on methods to add or updates to the range of any of the methods currently included are welcome.

bahanonu [at]

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©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 17 April 2024
biafra ahanonu