Links to projects, articles, reports, and mock websites I'm working on.

brain initiative notes

bio42 TA notes

nobel prize browser

short stories collection

latex boilerplate

mit-singapore report

filugori (novella)


club coat check (mock site)

schnitzer lab (mock site)

bahanonu [at]

other entires to explore:

comment system!
05 august 2012 | website

Wanted to add the ability for people to comment on this website, but delayed adding the feature until I could write the code myself. There [...]are many pre-built PHP solutions on the market (like commentator), but the original purpose of this site was to allow me to learn how to build a website from scratch. So I've implemented the comment system using about a hundred lines of code to access the MySQL database, verify inputs and display all the comments for a particular article.

state of sbsa: a review of 2017 and thoughts on future directions
04 june 2017 | sbsa

I spent the past year leading the Stanford Biosciences Student Association (SBSA) as President. This post consist of the letter to the comm[...]unity I sent out at the end of my term giving some highlights of the past year, those who have helped out, and thoughts on future directions.

geosatview: creating videos from satellite data
14 september 2020 | satellite

I created geoSatView back in 2018 to visualize fires on the West Coast of the United States. This entry briefly discusses [...]geoSatView along with providing example videos and links to the code.

week 2 | day and night
19 june 2012 | singapore

This pace can't keep up. Saw some crazy animals at a night safari, wandered around NUS's campus late at night (the place is chaotic, beauti[...]ful and slightly eerie at night), met with SUTD's president and more. It seems that staying in Singapore for most of the summer is a go, there is so much here to find out and explore. That might also be because I severely underestimated the size of the country (e.g. don't glance at a map's scale and assume 20 miles = 2 miles, haha). Anyhow, here goes, another eventful week summarized in small snippets.

©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 17 April 2024
biafra ahanonu