Cheyne-Stoke Respiration


One can create art with data, many have proven that with beautiful infographics or dazzling company reports. I thought using R to create an artistic rendering of a normally mundane process would be neat. I developed a graphic based on Cheyne-Stokes respiration using ggplot. Code is included at the end.

Cheyne-Stokes respiration graphic

One can create art with data, many have proven that with beautiful infographics or dazzling company reports. I thought using R to create an artistic rendering of a normally mundane process would be neat. I developed a graphic based on Cheyne-Stokes respiration using ggplot.

I think the resulting work (right) has a sci-fi feel to it (think Galactic Empire from Star Wars), almost like it could be a symbol for a corporation should the sinusoidal lobes be made solid. Below I have included the full code needed to replicate the graph, most of it is automatic after specifying a couple of parameters. This was the main advantage of coding the design over manually creating it, I could iterate quickly until I found a look that I agreed with sans wasting a lot of time doing fine adjustments.

I won't go over the code in detail as it is largely self-explanatory (though pardon an inefficient techniques, this was a five minute job completed during a meeting). Basically I use a mirror set of times centered around zero to create a smooth, enveloped sine wave (hyperpnoea) and include bouts of no breathing (aponea). The bars to signify hyperpnoea/aponea are just modified error bars and the entire image is made more salient by shifting the coordinates to polar.

Note: The code isn't fancy (made during a meeting), so pardon the lack of efficiency or beauty at parts. The black line is the breathing rate while the red and blue interlocking lines signify aponea and hyperpnoea, respectively.

R / S+
  1. # biafra ahanonu
  2. # updated: 2013.04.12
  3. # short script to make an artistic rendering of cheyne-stokes respiration
  4. #________________________________________________________
  5. # Load libraries and dependencies
  6. # For plotting
  7. library(ggplot2)
  8. # Add time-stamped footnote to graphs
  9. source("view.footnote.R")
  10. #________________________________________________________
  11. # amplitude of breathing, script auto-adjust parameters to this
  12. breathing.amplitude = 42;
  13. # set the frequency of the resulting curve
  14. heartFreq = 1+100/(1+.001*exp(breathing.amplitude))
  15. # make a forward and back hyperpnoea, to make an envelope sinusoid
  16. hyperpnoea.seq=seq(-breathing.amplitude,breathing.amplitude,.1);
  17. aponea.seq=rep(breathing.amplitude, .5*length(hyperpnoea.seq));
  18. # state number of cycles to repeat hyperpnoea and aponea
  19. cycles = 4;
  20. time=rep(c(aponea.seq,hyperpnoea.seq),cycles);
  21. # length of hyperpnoea/aponea cycle
  22. len.cycle = length(c(aponea.seq,hyperpnoea.seq));
  23. # add noise to the signal of desired
  24. noise = 0; #runif(length(time),1,breathing.amplitude^2);
  25. # make a dataframe of the value and times
  26. heart = data.frame(value=sin(heartFreq*time)*(-time^2+time+breathing.amplitude^2)+breathing.amplitude+noise,time=c(0:(length(time)-1)));
  27. # create data.frames containing location of hyperpnoea/aponea lines
  28. minC = seq(0,cycles-1,1)*len.cycle;
  29. maxC = seq(0,cycles-1,1)*len.cycle+length(aponea.seq);
  30. aponea = data.frame(min=minC,max=maxC,y=(breathing.amplitude^2)/2,x=1,id="aponea");
  31. hyperpnoea = data.frame(min=minC+length(aponea.seq),max=maxC+length(hyperpnoea.seq),y=(breathing.amplitude^2)/1.5,x=1,id="hyperpnoea");
  32. bardata = rbind(aponea,hyperpnoea);
  33. # set bar height
  34. bH = (breathing.amplitude^2)/4;
  35. # ggplot of heart respiration
  36. # I have not included by graphing wrapper function for simplicity'hyperpnoea.seq sake
  37. stokesPlot = ggplot(heart,aes(time,value))+
  38. geom_line()+
  39. # add hyperpnoea/aponea bars
  40. geom_errorbarh(mapping=aes(xmin=min,xmax=max,y=y,x=x,colour=id,height=bH),data=bardata, inherit.aes=FALSE)+
  41. ylab('depth of respiration')+
  42. xlab('time (hyperpnoea.seq)')+
  43. ggtitle('Cheyne–Stokes respiration')+
  44. # theme_set(theme_grey(base_size = 25))+
  45. theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=.5,color="white"),panel.background=element_rect(fill="white",colour="white"))+
  46. theme(panel.grid = element_line(linetype="2925"))+
  47. theme(axis.text = element_text(color="white"),axis.ticks = element_line(color="white"))+
  48. coord_polar()
  49. print(stokesPlot)
  50. # save a copy of the chart to the current directory
  51. png(paste("cheyne_stoke_art.png",sep=""),width=2400,height=1350,res=400,pointsize=1,antialias = "cleartype")
  52.         print(stokesPlot)
  53.         makeFootnote()

bahanonu [at]

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©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 17 April 2024
biafra ahanonu